
Tuesday, 11 August 2020

sophie german

Task Description:

This week we had to research the background of a famous mathematician. We chose Sophie Germain

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

time line of james cook

 Task Description: Today for inquiry we learnt about James Cook and what he did during November 9th, 1769. We did a timeline of what he did during the time of when the european settle to New Zealand. 

james cook

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Dragon's eye lake croatina myth

i was with miss tele,a and we learnd about the crotian Dragon's myth

Monday, 20 July 2020

greek mythology!

immerrsion. assembly

Monday, 20 July 2020
today was the first day back to school and we had an immersion assembly
and my favroit item was team five item bc it was about how am girl made friends with an eel and the eel loved the girl but the girl dident like it backand then the eel was following the girl so the girl told her brother and thebrother choped its head off and then the brother told his sister to barrer its head and she did and when she did it grew coconuts

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

scandalous satire

Today we learnt about fake news and how to spot it. If you find a site with a silly name like  the onion its fake news and if they have bad writing it means it is fake and if you search it up on google it will show not that much sites. If you get stuck search it on google and check that lots of sites come up.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Monday, 15 June 2020

today we learned about protest


Today I learned about Parihaka. The Maori protested there land being taken. 

Wednesday, 4 March 2020


We are learning to use place value to solve addition problems using whole numbers.

Multiple and factors practice

Multiples of 4 to 10 =  4

Multiples of 5 to 10 = 5

Factors of 24 =,1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24.

Factors of 50 =

Factors of 24 and 40 =


AJ’s family are planning to build a treehouse in their garden. Some of Aj’s friends offer to help him to build it.

1. In order to start constructing the house,  AJ needs to get some wood from bunnings. His mum buys 45 planks of wood and his dad buys 132 planks of wood. How many do they have together?
45 + 132 
145 + 32 =177

 2. While building the house, AJ noticed that they were running out of nails so he went to buy some. They have 9 nails left at home. AJ  buys a pack of 145 nails and a pack of 50 nails. How many nails do they have now?
145 + 9
154 + 50 = 204

3. To have a more stable treehouse, Jacob decided to tie the corner posts of the house to the tree itself. He used 24 cm of rope for the first post, 20cm on the second, 14cm on the third and 12cm on the fourth. How much rope was used? 

24 + 20 + 14 + 12
44 + 14 = 58 + 12 = 60

4. The treehouse is almost done; all they need is to paint it. Paschal estimated that they will use 37L of white paint, 15L of green paint and 34L  of brown paint. How many litres of paint would they buy in total? 

37 + 15 + 34 =81

5. After finishing the treehouse, AJs’ family made cookies for his friends to thank them for helping. If AJ ate 15 cookies, Jacob ate 10, Paschal ate 6  and Tisa only ate 5, how many cookies were eaten in total?
15 +  10 + 6 + 5 

Show your working as you solve these problems:

145 + 235 = 380 i did 100 + 200 =300 then i add 45+35=80

134 + 127 =262 i added 100 to 127 = 227 then i added 34 then that made 262

1445 + 1564 = 3009 i add 1000 to 1564= 2564 then i added 1445 then that made 3009

1235 + 5643 =6878 i add 1000 5643= 6643 then i add 1235 THAT MADE 5643

Thursday, 13 February 2020

the tiriti of waitangi

Task description: This week we were reading about the treaty of waitangi
Learning intention: Identify and locate information within a text.