- lucy and i went to the movies.
Lucy and I went to the movies.
- on monday i went swimming at the glen innes pools.
On Monday i went swimming at the Glen Innes Pools.
- mr. burt had wacky hair on friday.
Mr burt had wacky hair on Friday.
- miss davis was born in auckland, new zealand.
Miss Davis was born in auckland , New Zealand .
- have you seen the movie moana?
Have you seen the movie moana?
- did you know miss davis use to dance?
Did you know Miss Davis use to now to dance
- keyana, julianna, kiarah, kharizma and angelica are in the neptune reading group.
Keyana , Julianna , Kiarah , Kharizma and Angelica are in the Neptune reading group .
- the pacific ocean is the biggest ocean on earth.
The pacific ocean is the biggest ocean on earth .